Development - Bespoke Solutions

With every business having different needs and requirements it's difficult to find off the shelve products that perfectly fit your business.

Many businesses muddle through with complicated processes to achieve simple tasks.

In most instances it's possible to devise a solution that is bespoke to your business improving productivity, removing complexity and freeing up valuable time.


If your or your employees repeat the same time multiple times a day, month or year we can assist you.

eBay Stock System

eBay Branded Descriptions Template

Client Problem

The client had multiple listings on eBay, every time they needed to make a change to the listing design, they had to edit each item individually.

This was often related to product changes or promotions.


We built a website that connected to their eBay account that allowed the client to use a custom mobile friendly template and update all items at the click of a button.

Anytime the template needed amending (promotions etc..) they can update in one place and know that their listings are synchronised.


The update process now takes minutes, not hours.

Changes were saved so any errors could be reverted, issues with bad performing items were displayed in a quick to view report that was emailed to the client every month.

Sales increased by over 100% following the implementation.

WooCommerce Supplier Stock Synchronisation

Client Problem

Using WordPress and WooCommerce to sell products via Drop Shipping, the client would often sell products that were no longer available.

This resulted in unhappy customers, refund costs and wasted administration time.


The suppliers either had websites with real time stock levels or a CSV download with current stock levels.

We built a system that would

  • Scrape the stock levels from the supplier's website
  • Download the CSV stock levels

This connected to the clients WooCommerce store and synchronised the stock levels every day.

This included summary alerts via email for items that were out of stock.


The client no longer needed to worry about stock levels.

They had confidence to list all available products in the knowledge that only in stock items would be available to purchase.

WooCommerce Stock Sync

Supplier Product Import

Client Problem

Using Shopify to sell products direct to consumers, the client’s supplier had no product list or spreadsheet.

Products, images and stock levels were all shown on the supplier’s website (running BigCommerce).

This made it very hard to know what products were available with prices and descriptions.


We built a website that in effect logged into the supplier’s website as the client, accessed every product listed and collated the product data.

The resulting data was processed, prices adjusted with the appropriate mark-ups and synchronised with the clients Shopify store.

The system also generated spreadsheets and PDFs for use with marketing and management purposes.


The client saved hours of administration every month.

New products were highlighted to ensure they were available for sale increasing profits.

Appointment SMS Notifications

Client Problem

Appointments were booked weeks in advance.

The day of the appointment someone would call to ensure that Covid guidelines were followed and ensure the customers had not forgotten the appointment.


We built a website allowing the client and/or customers to make the appointments directly.

Automated emails and SMS messages were sent prior to the appointment time with a reply link to confirm the appointment or change the day.


Appointment cancellations rates plummeted.

Customers felt safer in the knowledge that the company was taking Covid precautions.

Administration decreased.


API's allow different platforms to interact with each other, allowing for software bespoke to your business to utilise the services you use most.

Reducing your administration, saving you both time and money.